Recipe Code: 0001




QAR 105

The best combination to boost your immune system from HEMYA recipes are here , natural products like orange, turmeric, honey, beetroot, papaya … All ingredients of  this combination well help you to fight COVID-19 Virus by providing you with your daily recommended intakes of the most important Vitamins, Minerals and other antioxidants.


Calorie - 58
Calorie - 18
Calorie - 28
Calorie - 11
Calorie - 101
Calorie - 84
Calorie - 73
Calorie - 146
Calorie - 119

Dish Recipes

This combination of many products, like orange, turmeric, honey, beetroot … and all of these juices ingredients well help you to fight COVID-19 Virus by providing you with the needed amount of the most important Vitamins and other antioxidants like VIT C, VIT E, flavonoids, B-Carotene .. etc.

Nutritional Facts Amount Per serving
الكمية لكل حصة
المعلومات الغذائية
Calories 638 kcal السعرات الحرارية
Carbohydrates 124.05 g النشويات
Sugars 93.07 g النشويات
Fat 6.79 g الدهون
Saturated Fat 0.608 g الدهون المشبعة
Proteins 10 g البروتينات
Fibers 10.5 g الألياف الغذائية
Sodium 250 mg الصوديوم